This page is archived and no longer udpated.


Following endpoints are valid for videos. X-Access-Key and X-Access-Token required wherever the endpoint expects authorization.


GET /v/<video-id>/video-name.mp4

  • Direct Link to video file after a video is created successfully.
  • Authorization is NOT required

GET /me/videos

  • List of videos created or being created


    "paging": {
        "count": 15,
        "next_url": "/me/videos?count=15&from=1418715805",
        "prev_url": "/me/videos?count=15&to=1418879545"
    "videos": [
            "status": "published",
            "style": "<some-style>",
            "name": "<some-video-name>",
            "assets": [],
            "duration": <some-duration>,
            "tags": [],
            "owner": {
                "profile_pic": "<some-image-link>",
                "id": "<some-user-id>",
                "name": "<some-name>"
            "id": "<some-id>",
            "credit": [],
            "created_on": 1418879545,
            "video": {
                "360": {
                    "url": "<some-url>",
                    "size": 2647812
                "480": {
                    "url": "<some-url>",
                    "size": 4068889
                "720": {
                    "url": "<some-url>",
                    "size": 5477751
            "modified_on": 1418879545,
            "view": 0,
            "quality": 360,
            "thumbnail": {
                "360": "<some-url>",
                "480": "<some-url>",
                "720": "<some-url>"

POST /me/videos

  • Create a new video project, or get the last draft project


  • name - Name of video we are making


    "status": "initial",
    "style": "<some-style>",
    "name": "<some-name>",
    "assets": [],
    "duration": 0,
    "tags": [],
    "comment_count": 0,
    "owner": {
        "profile_pic": "<some-url>",
        "id": "<some-id>",
        "name": "<some-name>"
    "id": "<some-id>",
    "credit": [],
    "created_on": 1418884737,
    "video": null,
    "modified_on": 1418884737,
    "view": 0,
    "quality": 360,
    "thumbnail": null,

GET /me/videos/<video-id>

  • Get the status, details of any video


    "status": "initial",
    "style": "<some-style>",
    "name": "<some-name>",
    "assets": [],
    "duration": 0,
    "owner": {
        "profile_pic": "<some-url>",
        "id": "<some-id>",
        "name": "<some-name>"
    "id": "<some-id>",
    "credit": [],
    "created_on": 1418884737,
    "video": null,
    "modified_on": 1418884737,
    "view": 0,
    "quality": 360,
    "thumbnail": null,

POST /me/videos/<video-id>

  • Define or update a video content


Key Data Type Description
name [optional] String name of video
style [optional] String set style
credit [optional] Array of Array (eg. [["key1", "value1"],["key2", "value2"],["key3", "value3"]]) set credits at end of video
quality [optional] String (eg. 360) set quality
assets [optional] Array of frames object set assets

The asset array contains array of objects of video / text assets. For example

            "text":"some image caption"
            "text":"some subheading"


Same as GET Video object

Defining music for a video

Music for a video is defined in the asset array. Its contained in a asset block as

    "asset_id": "some_music_id"

DELETE /me/videos/<video-id>

  • Delete the video


Not required


    "message" : "Video deleted",

POST /me/videos/<video-id>/render

  • Send the video rendering request to rendering engine


Not required


    "message" : "Video is being created",
    "status" : 7101

Response Codes

Status Code Description
7201 Video is being created
7202 Video successfully created
7401 Style not defined
7402 Music not defined
7403 Insufficient Assets
7404 No title
7405 Insufficient credits amount